#MarketingTipMonday No. 64

Collaborations can be a huge boon to your lead gen, but not all collaborations are created equal.


Here are 3 questions to ask before you co-sponsor a webinar, guest present on a podcast, contribute to a white paper, or join a panel of speakers:

1. What’s the audience makeup?
500 people seems 10x better than 50, but that isn’t always the case. 50 people who are similar to your ideal clients will produce better results than a larger audience of disparate leads.

2. What kind of prep do you expect from me?
Will you be responsible to invite your email list? Running paid social campaigns? Finalizing the deck? Figure out your time investment to determine if the potential payoff is worthwhile.

3. What kind of feedback will I get?
Will you get email addresses of the people who attended the webinar? Will you see survey responses?

Other factors might include:

  • What’s your relationship with the person making the request? If it’s a client, it’s likely worthwhile just from a client service perspective.
  • Are you trying to tap into a new client market?
  • Are you trying to build credibility with an industry organization?
  • Do your competitors invest time in this effort?

The answers to these questions can help you make an informed choice about whether or not the collaboration makes sense for your marketing goals.