Sales Collateral Colors Outside the Lines

Marketers rarely get the chance to be totally original. Successful campaigns often are a combination of hot trends and fine-tuned best practices applied to the company’s particular offers.  Like King Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun.

This brief case study is no exception.

It’s 2017 and coloring books for adults are all the rage. Apparently fresh crayons and staying in the lines was a stress reliever for many adults. We were in the midst of a planning meeting to figure out a new way to engage children’s hospital prospects. “What if,” I suggested, “we told our brand story in a coloring book? We would have 16 pages to explain who we are to this new market, and it would concurrently show our creative team’s chops.”

The final product was a hit. One our Senior Designers even drew our lead sales guy on the final page (a striking resemblance to Wooly Willy). This creative sales piece started conversations that a typical infographic or sales sheet never would.